Thursday, November 30, 2006

Couldn't resist this on Rummy!

Recently one of my favorite newspaper columnist wrote some parting shots at Donald Rumsfeld, yep that same guy who was the Secretary of Defense. Please understand that before the Dubya was elected and Molly was going at him 24/7 I didn't like her one bit. I was a George W. Bush man and for the life of her she couldn't call my fellow Texan and next President of the USA just, "Dubya." But she did and continued to rag him every chance she got. She was saying he would be the worst president ever, he wasn't capable of leading this nation and would not even come close to the original President Bush. She even said that he was lacking in intelligence and couldn't walk and chew gum at the same time. Well I got news for her, she was and is right. So, now after Dubya has worked so hard to lose my trust and admiration for him, plus really not even liking him, I really enjoy her stuff. The problem is that we are stuck with him for the balance of this term. What I wish he would do is take a hike to some deserted island, take Laura, take up drinking again, pull out a Speedo swim suit, practice up on his Bushisms and just forget about leading our great nation. Another member of his cabinet did decide to take the hike, our esteemed, according to him, Secretary of Defense, the Donald Rumsfeld. While I look at the cabinet President Lincoln put together after his was elected and how brilliant they were, I shudder at what we have now. The Dubya has just got to have people around him that are just like him. To prove it, read this Donaldism(he actually said this about the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns): "As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don't know we don't know." On his war in Iraq he had this gem: According to Newsweek, Air Force Secretary Jim Roche went to Runsfeld early on and said, "Don, you do realize that Iraq could be another Vietnam?" Replied Rummy: "Vietnam? You think you have to tell me about Vietnam? Of course it won't be Vietnam. We are going to go in, over-throw Saddam, get out. That's it." Greerman-WOW Rummy what happened? And these are the people leading our nation!!



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